Sunday, March 31, 2013

Illustrator: Shapes

To start out with, I created these by using random shapes in different combinations. I recreated the items on the assignment sheet, but added some differences.
I added a background color to the layer and lock that layer so it may not be moved. I add the other shaped on a new layer and text on a separate layer. I took the shapes for the invitations from the shapes page.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

GIMP Exercise: Create a Film Strip Using Filters

 The Bengal Film Strip was created by taking a photo of a Bengal tiger and adding different filters to them. After I added the different filters, I added a combine filter to make them into a film strip.
The Flower Film Strip was created by using the same technique.

GIMP Exercise: Sailing Image

I made the image by following the instructions on and the rest of the information on the instructions. I made the background with a gradient and the sun is a copy of a piece of the gradient in the water. The sky is also a gradient. After that, I added the boat and the text.

GIMP Exercise: Invitation to Winter Ball and Spring Jubilee

I found an image online and opened it in GIMP. I duplicated the layer, made the new layer partially transparent, and selected a rectangular area and feathered the outside of it. I then deleted the rectangle and added the text.

Winter Invitation:

Spring Invitation:

GIMP Exercise: Web Banners

Enchanted Wedding Cakes, Inc.
I found a wedding cake online, and added a it to my background color. I added text and a drop shadow to it. Afterward, I placed it all in an order that I liked.

Old Railroad Cafe
I found a trail that I liked online. I added it to my gradient that I picked. I added text then ordered it in a way I liked.

My Business
I thought of a business and added text to my banner. Afterward, I found a photo I liked and added it to a background color.

Tree Drawing
I drew a tree and added to a banner background. I added color and text. I made it look nice.

GIMP: Chapter 6

Courtney Cloud
Student Number:

GIMP: Chapter 6: Erasing and Touching Up
PART 1: READ Chapter 2 in the GIMP book, then:
  1. Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
  2. Change the color of the answer to BLUE.
  3. Copy this information and paste in a new post in your DIGITAL GRAPHICS blog.

1.      What is the purpose of the DODGE tool (part of the DODGE/BURN tool) Makes darker images lighter
2.      What is the purpose of the BURN tool (part of the DODGE/BURN tool) Keeps areas from becoming too light
3.      Why is the DODGE/BURN tool considered a drawing tool? They use brushes
4.      What is the purpose of the SMUDGE tool? Basic image correction. Picks up color that it is over and drags it along. Can be used to remove objects from a photo.
5.      Briefly explain you get the CLONE to work: Copies a source color and texture and places them where you click
6.      What is the purpose of the HEAL tool? Combines texture from the source layer with the color and lighting of the destination layer
7.      What is the purpose of the PERSPECTIVE CLONE tool? Cloning combined with perspective. It is used when there is a different perspective on a photo.
8.      Briefly explain the two purposes of the CONVOLVE tool: It can be used for sharpening pieces of a photo. It can also be used for blurring parts of the photo.
9.      What is the purpose of the GAUSSIAN BLUR filter? (NOTE: This is a FILTER, not a TOOL). It blurs the background
10.  Which tool would be the appropriate tool to get rid of wrinkles on someone’s face? Clone.

1.      Go to the web site for this book:
2.      Click on the PHOTOS FROM THE BOOK link, and scroll down to see the images for Chapter 6.
3.      Download and save all the Chapter 6 images.
4.      Use the appropriate images to touch up the photos as indicated on pages 215 through248.
5.      Insert these corrected images here (no need to insert all the corrected images, just those indicated below):
a.      Tree with power tower gone and new puffy cloud (instructions on pages 219-222):
b.      Canyon with cars gone (pages 223-231):

c.       Meer cat blurred (pages 242-243):

d.      Perspective tower with new windows on the bottom (pages 237-240):

e.      Butterfly with blurred background (pages 45-248):